When individuals are trying to establish or improve their credit, they may not be aware of all of the different types of credit available to them. There are three different types of credit, and to achieve the highest credit score possible, consumers need to have the...
After joining World War I, the US Government created the consumer price index (CPI) in 1917. Food price data was used to calculate the CPI beginning from 1913, a four-year period. From 1913 to 1919, inflation was uncontrollable, resulting in a collective total of...
Credit card debt has snowballed in the U.S. in recent decades. The average household now carries over $10,000 in credit card debt, among other debts, and many people struggle to make even the minimum payments due each month to service the debt. Credit card debt can be...
Having a financial plan is crucial to monetary success in your life. There are many financial plans you can choose from. Between all the advice available online and the entire industry of financial advisors, you have no shortage of choices. However, the real secret to...
The concept of index investing goes back more than 40 years. Since its debut, there has been a constant debate between active equity management and more passive styles. Most money managers can’t beat the markets consistently, leading many investors to index...