There is perhaps nothing more important than learning how to properly maintain your personal finances. This is, unfortunately, a difficult skill to master because there are so many intricate details to investing, saving for retiring and managing your money. You previously needed to hire a professional with an advanced degree in finance to get the most out of your money, but that is no longer the case. Expert financial advice can be received at any time directly on your smartphone. These are four of the best finance podcasts.
The Dave Ramsey Show
Dave Ramsey is one of the most famous financial experts in the country today. He has helped millions of people get control of their finances with his television show and best-selling books. He now regularly shares his thoughts on a wide variety of financial topics on his own podcast. Whether you want help getting out of debt, investing in the future or retiring early, you can get the information you need on “The Dave Ramsey Show.”
Smart Passive Income
Everyone dreams of making money while sitting on the couch at home. This dream can become a reality by creating a passive income source. If you want to make a little extra money on the side, then you need to listen to “Smart Passive Income.” Host Pat Flynn is the leading expert in passive income, and he shares his thoughts and ideas every week on this amazing podcast.
So Money
There are a lot of great podcasts for personal finance beginners, but none of them are able to top the wealth of information provided by “So Money.” Host Farnoosh Torabi interviews a new guest every week and has them share their best advice regarding finance. This allows the listeners to gain knowledge from a variety of influential and intelligent people, which is something most finance podcasts do not provide.
The Mad Fientist
If you are specifically interested in retiring as early as possible, then there is no better podcast for you than “The Mad Fientist.” The host regularly shares stories about how he was able to retire before the age of 35. He also interviews other financial independence experts. This podcast will completely change the way you think about saving.