Bringing in a lot of baggage from last year is understandable. A new year, new you doesn’t mean everything goes away after the clock strikes twelve. For many people, getting their personal finances together is the perfect way to start the year off right. Whether there...
When the stock market goes up, the masses are tempted to start buying. While stocks are not the only investment around, they tend to get the most press coverage. Before investing in stocks, it’s a good idea to come up with a plan before making investments. Here...
Like most things in life, finances require planning. People who want to achieve financial stability almost always benefit from making a plan. Research shows that people who write their financial goals down 42% more likely to reach them. Financial success can almost...
Many experts recommend you should save 10 to 15 percent of your pre-tax income each year for retirement. However, they come to that figure by making assumptions that may not be accurate for you. Here are ways that you can make a better estimation of your retirement...
Financial responsibility is a skill that is incredibly important. It teaches you the importance of hard work and why saving money can help you out when you’re in a pinch. It is something that is best learned at a young age. Teaching children good financial...
Getting out of debt can be difficult when you consider how the cost of living has steadily risen over the years. We are constantly taking out loans and using our credit cards to pay off existing debt. It almost seems as if we will never get out from underneath our...