The Benefits of a Concentrated Portfolio

The Benefits of a Concentrated Portfolio

The concept of index investing goes back more than 40 years. Since its debut, there has been a constant debate between active equity management and more passive styles. Most money managers can’t beat the markets consistently, leading many investors to index...
Financial Planning for Newlyweds

Financial Planning for Newlyweds

It is undoubtedly essential for newlyweds to have a conversation about their finances, even if it feels like an awkward subject in the beginning. The truth is that discussing money matters is certainly not the most romantic thing to do. Still, in the long run, it...
Investment Opportunities in 2021

Investment Opportunities in 2021

There are plenty of new investment opportunities on the horizon, thanks to how quickly the financial world can change. Those looking to begin investing now have more options than ever, while experienced investors will undoubtedly continue the trends they have started...