Everyone likes to save money and feel like they are getting a good deal. Saving money is a great way to alleviate financial stress and create a bit more wiggle room in your existing budget. In this modern age of technology, there are plenty of smartphone apps that can make this process a little easier.


Joy is a free app for iPhones that helps analyze your income and spending habits. It will calculate the amount of money that you can realistically save each day without going broke, but the user has the power to adjust the amount at any time. Joy will provide a daily reminder to make the transferring process easier, but the user will have to initiate any transfers manually.

Chime Banking

Chime Banking is available for both iPhones and Android devices. Chime was founded on the methodology that Americans should have three to six months of their monthly income saved for any emergencies. Chime Banking automates this process by transferring 10% of each paycheck into a Chime Banking savings account. They also have a program that will round up each transaction made with the Chime Debit card and deposit the excess into your savings account.


Simple is a great app that is designed to help with savings for the holiday season. The app offers a fee-free account that allows the user to set and fund financial goals with a target date in mind, such as a holiday. Simple takes the guesswork out of setting financial goals because it calculates the amount you should save and how frequently you should save in order to meet your desired goal.


Hip2Save is a free app that will assist in everyday shopping adventures. Hip2Save rounds up the best deals on the internet, in-store, and at restaurants to help the shopper find the best deals on items that they would already be purchasing. 


Ibotta is a free app that rewards you for spending money. By snapping a picture of your receipt and uploading it to the app, you can match deals and receive cashback in the form of gift cards to your favorite retailers. An added bonus is that users can bundle those gift cards for future shopping trips.